Mariam Fowler Smith, a South Carolina woman, wrapped an electrical cord around the neck of her nephew's dog, hung it, doused it in kerosene, and then lit it on fire. Her nephew alerted authorities and when she was questioned about it she said that she did it because it chewed on her bible. The remains of the pup were found under a pile of grass. Please join with me to take a stand against her unacceptable actions and to ensure that she is held accountable. The maximum sentence for this violent crime is 5 years in prison and a stiff fine. That is nothing compared to the pain that this frightened and confused animal must have felt and the loss that her poor nephew is now suffering from losing a best friend.
We The Undersigned would like to say that the things that Mariam Fowler Smith has done to that poor, innocent dog should not be excused. She has no remorse for her actions and she seems to have no respect for the value of life. What if it were a child that had her bible in it's mouth? Would she hang and burn the child as well? This woman is not stable and she should not be free to roam about in society. These signatures are here in hopes that Mariam Fowler Smith will be held accountable for her actions and that she is given the maximum sentence possible for mutilating, torturing, and ultimately killing this defenseless animal. Her actions are far from acceptable. South Carolina can make a stand against animal cruelty.
Thank you for your time,
Concerned Citizens of South Carolina