Freedom For Chained Dogs In Virginia


We are a voice for chained and penned dogs, whose sadness speaks only through the eyes. As the days become years, many of these dogs sit, lay, eat, and defecate within the same 10-foot radius. Chained by the neck, they exist without respect, love, exercise, social interaction, and sometimes even basic nourishment. They live as prisoners, yet long to be pets.

Chaining is not only inhumane for dogs, but has taken a severe toll on this nation's children as well. Since October 2003, there have been at least 260 children killed or seriously injured by chained dogs across the country. Chained dogs, unsocialized with humans, can become very territorial of their tiny space, and any two year old who wanders into this space can be attacked and killed before adults can intervene.

Would you for one second choose to live the life of these dogs? No matter what reason is given, the bottom line is that it is NOT ok to chain a dog for life. Dogs should not have to live chained or penned as prisoners, yearning for a place in a family, craving acknowledgement, respect, and love. They DESERVE BETTER, and we as caretakers have the obligation to provide it for them.


We, the undersigned,  are writing about an issue that has gone unaddressed for too long--that of the perpetually chained or penned, so-called "outside" or "backyard" dog.

There is no sadder sight than these outcast, forlorn, forgotten animals, relegated to the status of lawn ornaments and virtually ignored by the family.

Many chained or penned dogs are seriously neglected.  They lack fresh, unfrozen water, adequate housing, hygiene and the most basic veterinary care, including vaccinations required by law. Every winter such dogs are found frozen to death.  At other times of the year they may be left to starve until they die.

Chaining is not only inhumane for dogs, but has taken a severe toll on this nation%u2019s children. In the period from October 2003 through September 2008, there were at least 231 children killed or seriously injured by chained dogs across the country.  Chained dogs, un-socialized with humans, can become very territorial of their tiny space and any two year old who wanders into this space can be attacked and killed before adults can intervene. An attack in July of 2007 leads to the death of a 5 year old with Down%u2019s Syndrome near Atlanta, Georgia. The child was attacked and killed by a rottie mix chained behind the house of a next-door neighbor.

Furthermore, researchers are confirming the link between animal abuse and neglect and abuse and neglect of children and perpetration of future crimes. We urge you to remedy this oversight which condemns dogs, the most loving and loyal of animals, to lives of loneliness and deprivation. 

We ask that you introduce legislation to prohibit the perpetual chaining and penning of dogs. Austria is the latest nation to ban the chaining of dogs, completely prohibiting the practice.

Connecticut is the first state in the nation to limit chaining; California and Texas have also set time limits on chaining. There are at least 100 communities or counties in at least 35 states with limits on chaining. Our state or city needs to be a part of this growing movement to eliminate chaining of dogs.

We would very much appreciate a response to this letter stating whether or not you will introduce a strong anti-chaining/penning bill in the state legislature.
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