Thank the Commissioners for Saving Trestles.

  • by: The Surfrider Foundation
  • recipient: Commissioners: Blank, Wan, Kruer, Neely, Reilly, Achadjian, Clark, and Shallenberger,

Dear Trestles and San Onofre Supporters:

Please take a moment to thank the Commissioners who voted to protect San Onofre State Beach and Trestles at the Coastal Commission Hearing on Feb 6th.

It's very important that we thank decision makers when they do the right thing!  This landslide vote was a watershed moment for the environmental movement and we need to make sure the Commissioners are positively acknowledged!

You can simply sign this petition and your signature will be added to the letter we wrote.  You can also add your own personal comments. To view our letter, click on the "letter link" under the photo.  The petition will be hand delivered at the next Coastal Commission hearing in Southern California.

Thanks again for all your support!   

The following San Onofre and Trestles supporters would like to thank you for upholding the Coastal Act and for protecting San Onofre State Beach and Trestles. 

We appreciate your thoughtful and measured approach to balancing our coastal resources and listening to the thousands of people who care about this Park.

Because of you, coastal advocates are celebrating across the state of California!

Again, thank you for ensuring the open space, recreational opportunities, endangered species, Native American sites and water quality at San Onofre State Beach are being protected for future generations. 

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