Petition to Renew "Moonlight" on CBS:

This is a petition by the viewers of the television show Moonlight, to the executives at CBS, and the individuals in charge of the show. The goal of this petition is to assert our enthusiastic support of the show, and to request that CBS renew Moonlight for a second season. 
By signing this petition, you are indicating your wholehearted agreement to the above. Thank You.
We The Undersigned would like to express our emphatic support for the television show Moonlight. We would also like to request that you renew this show for a second season on CBS.

We The Fans would like to convey to CBS that, despite less-than-exceptional ratings, Moonlight has acrued a large audience of faithful viewers who can't wait to see more of this wonderful show. Moonlight continues to build a strong rabid fan base. With time, and the proper promotion, many more viewers will continue to discover the show.


We Thank You for taking the time to read this letter. 

The Petition Signers

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