Queremos a condenacao do assassino de Maristela Just

Maristela foi assassinada pelo ex marido que tambem atirou contra os 2 filhos do casal e o cunhado em 04/04/1989 (o menino Zaldo de 2 anos levou um tiro na cabeca e a menina Nathalia levou um tiro no peito). Apos 21 anos de espera o caso vai a juri popular no dia 1 de Junho de 2010 na 1a Vara do Forum de Jaboatao dos Guararapes em Pernambuco a partir das 9h se estendendo ate 19h. A familia aguarda com muitas expectativas o resultado desse caso, e com muita fe espera que a justica seja feita.

Voce pode ajudar a familia Just assinando este abaixo assinado para pressionar a Justica Brasileira a favor do julgamento, sem mais atrasos do caso. Esta familia ja sofreu por tempo demais.

Sonhamos com um C%uFFFDdigo Penal que finalmente consiga inibir esses crimes hediondos e tantos outros menores que acabam com a esperan%uFFFDa da popula%uFFFD%uFFFDo brasileira.

(Este texto foi propositalmente escrito sem acentos)


Maristela was killed by her ex husband who also shot their 2 kids and Maristela's brother in 04/04/1989 (their son Zaldo was 2 years old by the time he was shot in the head and their daughter Nathalia was 4 years old when she was shot in the chest). Maristela's family is waiting for justice for 21 years now and finally the murderer's trial will take place on June 1st 2010 in Jaboatao dos Guararapes Court House, in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. After a long time waiting and after a series of postponements, the family wants to know the veredict from the jury and faithfully desires that justice can be done.

You can help Just family by signing this petition to pressure Brazilian Justice not to postpone the trial again. This family has already had enough.

We dream about a Penal Code that could finally inhibit those heinous crimes and all the other little crimes that day by day cease the Brazilians hope in better days.
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