Protect Class Size Reduction 20:1 in K-3rd

Studies done by the California Department of Education and U.S. Department of Education consistently identify a postitive relationship between reduced class size and improved student performance.  Results from the Tennessee Project STAR(Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio)study have demonstrated that small class sizes in grades K-3rd substantially increases children's reading and mathematics scores.  Funding for Class Size Reduction(CSR) will expire in June 2009.  Our School District is proposing to increase CSR in K-3rd to 24:1.   We, the undersigned, are concerned residents who urge the S.R.V.U.S.D. to protect CSR in grades K-3rd at 20:1.  The Parents and Community believe CSR is crucial and must be protected. Increasing class size will unquestionably condemn our students to classroom overcrowding and reduced academic achievement. 

We, the undersigned, are concerned residents who urge the S.R.V.U.S.D. to protect CSR in grades K-3rd at 20:1.  The Parents and Community believe CSR is crucial and must be protected. Increasing class size will unquestionably condemn our students to classroom overcrowding and reduced academic achievement. 
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