IOF Must STOP SEXUAL ABUSE Of Palestinian Children

  • by: Children of the World
  • recipient: UNITED NATIONS: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, United Nations: Radhika Coomaraswamy, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FOR CHILDREN AND ARMED CONFLICT, International Criminal Court (ICC)
Israeli Occupational Force are not only torturing Palestine's Children, but sexually abusing and molesting those children, who are in their custody. Over 7,000 children had been arrested since September 2000, the beginning of the second Intifada. Some children as young as 10 are treated as harshly as adults, in violation of international law requiring special treatment for children. 
Each year approximately 700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12 years, are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. The most common charge is for throwing stones. The overwhelming majority of these children are detained inside Israel in contravention of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. 

Please watch: Stolen Children, Stolen Lives part 1 Children, Stolen Lives part 2

UNICEF: Convention on the Rights of the Child
The articles of the Convention may be grouped into four categories of rights and a set of guiding principles:
1. Guiding principles ( The guiding principles of the Convention include non-discrimination; adherence to the best interests of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and the right to participate. They represent the underlying requirements for any and all rights to be realized.
2. Survival and development rights ( These are rights to the resources, skills and contributions necessary for the survival and full development of the child. They include rights to adequate food, shelter, clean water, formal education, primary health care, leisure and recreation, cultural activities and information about their rights. These rights require not only the existence of the means to fulfil the rights but also access to them. Specific articles address the needs of child refugees, children with disabilities and children of minority or indigenous groups.
3. Protection rights ( These rights include protection from all forms of child abuse, neglect, exploitation and cruelty, including the right to special protection in times of war and protection from abuse in the criminal justice system.
4. Participation rights ( Children are entitled to the freedom to express opinions and to have a say in matters affecting their social, economic, religious, cultural and political life. Participation rights include the right to express opinions and be heard, the right to information and freedom of association.  Engaging these rights as they mature helps children bring about the realization of all their rights and prepares them for an active role in society.

The Israeli Occupational Force have broken and abused every principle of human rights in respect to the children of Palestine.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, United Nations:
We the Undersigned and Children of the World are gravely concerned for the physical health and psychological wellbeing of the children of Palestine.

The Israeli Occupational Forces have arrested over 7,000 children since September 2000, and it is well known that these children are violated and sexually abused while in IOF custody. Hundreds of complaints have been made but the IOF seems to get away with impunity after impunity. They are arrogant and think themselves above the law, as well as international law.
The IOF must stop this violence towards children. They must be held accountable for the physical and emotional damage they have committed upon the thousands of children who have suffered at their hands.

Please refer to your report at the link provided, Secretary-General Ki-moon, and please note that Palestine's Children are NOT mentioned once in your report. Why is that?: General Assembly Security Council ~ 'Secretary-General's 10th Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict' ~ 23 April 2011
Also, please see the following report: 'DPKO/DFS Policy on mainstreaming the protection, rights and well-being of children affected by armed conflict within UN Peacekeeping Operations', which should apply to Palestine, considering their illegal occupation by israel, but Israel is free to do as they so wish ~ 1 June 2009

In your own words, Secretary-General Ki-moon, yet nothing has been resolved, and as a result, the IOF is a law unto themselves, completely disregarding the Geneva Convention of 1948 and international laws:
“The Palestinian people still yearn for the freedom and dignity denied them for decades. The Israeli people yearn for long-term security. Neither can achieve their legitimate demands without a settlement of the conflict. Today, we are at a critical juncture in efforts to move beyond crisis management and renew efforts toward genuine conflict resolution.” ~ United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, February 2007

If you will not help stop Israel in its evil endeavors upon Palestine, Secretary-General Ki-moon, and you will not demand an end to the Israeli Siege upon Gaza, the very least you must do, is stop the violent sexual abuse the IOF is committing upon children.The Palestinian Children's human rights have been completely compromised and ignored by Israel. 
The damage done to these children is inhumane and appalling. The Israeli Occupational Forces must stop preying upon and violating children. They must be held accountable and  forced to pay for their criminal acts. They must be arrested and tried in an international criminal court and sentenced accordingly for their horrific crimes.
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