Fight For Animal Abuse Laws In China

Animal abuse is on the rise in China and China has no laws against it. With crush websites and the cat and dog meat and fur trade,  laws need to be made. Help end the horrors of the animal abuse in China. *UPDATE* People have asked me to add more informaton to this page, but what more do I need to say,  just look at the pictures,  they will tell you everything. PLEASE PLEASE FOWARD THIS to everyone that you can the more signitures the more of an impact we can make together against China, to stop their horrid abuses once and for all.    

We the undersigned ask that you do something to set animal abuse laws. The animal abuse in your country is horrendous. The horror needs to stop. To many animals are dying unimaginable deaths in your country and there is nothing being done about it. Buy setting laws it will decrease these horrors greatly. Thank You for taking the time to read this.
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