This is a petition so that management to the Backstreet Boys will finally take their fans seriously. It seems like everytime we demand changes in the fanclub, the result is worse than what we were complaining about to begin with. And we are not taken seriously because we are looked at as so hardcore that the powers-that-be feel like they can do whatever they want to us and our wallets and we will still continue to be apart of something we are unhappy with. Not anymore. If things don't change, expect less members, which will result in less money for your wallets.
We demand:
-Lower prices for the joining of the fanclub and everything offered for purchase in it. (In this economy you're RAISING prices?!) If you insist on keeping those prices, more should be included in it (IE: 2 tickets in a VIP package).
-Updates before other fansites get ahold of them (IE: Live Daily or BSB Squad). This is supposed to be an official fanclub. Remember the MTV News logo "You Hear It First"? Take their advice.
-More contests.
-More interaction with the band via videos, chats, blogs etc. This we will be the most lenient on because we know the Boys schedule is hectic.
-A better chat and message board (less confusing please!)
And much much more that can't possibly be fit on here. Visit the fanclub, there are complaints all over the place!