Bring Back BN Biscuits To The U.K.

  • recipient: United Biscuits

If you want to help bring back BN to the United Kingdom this is your chance to help. The Bring Back BN Project is an unofficial and non-copyrighted project set up by fans of the BN biscuit to help bring BN back to the United Kingdom supermarkets. We are asking the public of the United Kingdom to sign a petition on The Petition Site by Care2 which is a website helping people help make a difference. When we reach 1000 points we will send a link of the petition and a persuasive letter to United Biscuits persuading them to bring back BN to the United Kingdom supermarkets.

Sign the petition(*details below addresses) to help reach 1000 signatures. The petition will be sent to United Biscuits, the owner of BN in France.

Visit the website:
Visit the Bebo Group: COMING SOON
Visit the Facebook Application:
Visit the MySpace Group: COMING SOON

*Unfortunately you need to sign up for Care2 to sign the petition. Your e-mail is needed to confirm your registration for your signature to be on the petition. You could make up your address if you really don't want to write it in.

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