Join the Movement to Make 25% of Domestic Violence Shelters Pet Friendly by the End of 2025

Domestic abusers often use pets as tools for coercion and manipulation because they are a survivor's greatest source of emotional support. Nearly three out of four pet-owning women entering domestic violence (DV) shelters report an abuser threatened, injured, or killed a pet for revenge or control. But because most domestic violence shelters nationwide can't welcome pets, DV survivors are faced with an agonizing decision: abandon their pets or continue to endure abuse.

No one should have to choose between their pet and their safety.

You can help RedRover and our partners ensure that 25% of domestic violence shelters in the United States can welcome survivors and their pets by the end of this year by joining the 25 by 2025 campaign.

Right now, just over 19% of U.S. domestic violence shelters can welcome pets on-site – but that means 80% cannot, and this unmet need is a crippling barrier for survivors seeking safety with their pets. Almost half of survivors delay leaving because they fear for their pet's safety if forced to leave them behind.

Sign the petition, join the movement, and help RedRover in our efforts to make 25% of domestic violence shelters in the United States pet friendly by the end of 2025. Your support today will give more survivors and their pets the safety and healing they deserve for a better future together.
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