Elect Teddy for President!
What do you think of drilling for oil in the Everglades? How about auctioning off the Channel Islands to the highest bidder?
Sounds like a bad dream, right? But these ill-conceived ideas are coming from some of the 2008 presidential candidates!
This is why Teddy Mather is running for president - because we need someone in the White House who take our national parks seriously, and won't sacrifice these precious places for profits.
We need to make it clear to the other presidential candidates that our national parks deserve more attention than the occasional sound bite.
Tell the presidential candidates that you support Teddy Mather* for President because he will make national parks a national priority.
* Although Teddy may resemble someone you know, Teddy is in fact, not a human. Any resemblance to a human is strictly unfortunate. Our national parks matter. They matter to all Americans, and they matter to future generations. Teddy Mather, a presidential candidate supported by the National Parks Conservation Association, knows that national parks should be a national priority, and I urge you to speak up on behalf of our national parks too.
From Yosemite to the Washington Monument, our national parks teach us, inspire us, and humble us. It is imperative that future generations have the opportunity to experience our national parks unimpaired. And to do that, we must act now. We must ensure that the national parks- which will celebrate their 100th anniversary in 2016- are protected into their second century.
Teddy Mather is making national parks a national priority. Now I am calling on you to do the same. Go to www.electteddy.org for more information. Thank you for considering my views.
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