Stand with Wickham Against Dog Fighting

Wickham was rescued from a dog fighting ring — spared from a lifetime of abuse and violence. But thousands of other dogs aren't so lucky.
Across the country innocent dogs like Wickham are being bred and trained for this horrific blood sport. Thrown into the ring — often just a dingy pit — they're set against one another and forced into bloody battle while the crowd cheers and gambles on the "winner." But for these animals, there's no such thing as winning. Out of the ring, most dogs spend their short lives chained up or confined to pens. More often than not, when they are too old or injured to fight and no longer valuable to their owners, they are simply killed.
Every day, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) works side-by-side with federal prosecutors and law enforcement agencies to rescue these animals and care for them afterwards. But it's going to take all of us standing together to stop this scourge and protect these vulnerable animals.
Take action today! Sign the petition and show that you won't stand by while innocent dogs like Wickham are tortured and killed in the dog fighting ring!
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