End the trade of shark fins in Canada, Now!

Bill S238 would ban shark fin import and export, but it does not stop the shark fin trade. We are asking the Canadian government to make it illegal to sell and trade shark fins on land. Over 75 000 000 sharks are slaughtered each year to support the global shark fin trade and this needs to stop because a majority of shark population have gone down 90% and 1/4 of open water sharks are facing extinction.

Rob Stewart started this movement and it is up to us to continue it, to demand a country who does not support the mass slaughter of apex predators by letting the shark fin trade continue in Canada. Let's fix the loophole of bill S-238 and end the shark fin trade in Canada, being the biggest importer outside of Asia, it is up to us to set an example for ocean conservation and inspire the world to follow in our footsteps!

Sharks play a crucial part in keeping marine ecosystems healthy and if we lose them, these ecosystems would collapse and life on earth would never be the same.

Bill S238 will not make Canada #Finfree Please sign this petition and help us remove shark fins from our country so that we can do our part to save sharks from extinction. Ask Justin Trudeau to end the shark fin trade in Canada! Sharks are going extinct, we can't wait for change to happen, we want it now!



Update #5vor 5 Jahren
So Bill C-68 passed the Senate. Having incorporated bill S-238 into this legislation, it banned shark fin import and export in Canada. This means the shark fin trade will no longer exist in Canada, stopping import/export brings the domestic shark fin trade to below 5% and this is a huge victory! I will close this petition but wanted to thank everyone who sign and shared it! Want to help shark conservation in Canada e-mail at melanievivianne@gmail.com or for donation go to www.sharkwater.com
Update #4vor 5 Jahren
Last night, the Senate Fisheries Committee passed amendments to the Fisheries Act to ban shark fins in Canada! Bill C-68 now includes a #FinBanNow and has the opportunity to become law!

In the coming weeks, Bill C-68 to amend the Fisheries Act will be moving through the Senate and heading to the House of Commons for one final vote before it becomes law.

Please continue to add your voice and share this with your friends and family. We are so close!
Update #3vor 5 Jahren
Good news bill S-238 to stop shark fin import/export has passed the second reading in House of Commons and it is now on the committee, we are so close to winning this which is why I ask that you continue to contact your MP & write e-mails to the Prime Minister to ensure that this law becomes a reality. Stopping the shark fin trade won't happen, if this bill does not pass! Stopping import is step 1 & the trade step 2! Please continue to support bill S-238! Keep sharing this petition. Thank you!
Update #2vor 5 Jahren
I need the help from Canadians who signed this petition. On March 20th, Canadian government will vote on BillS238 to stop shark fin import. Please send your thoughts why Canada should stop importing shark fins, I need you to write a letter to Justin Trudeau and ask him to save sharks from extinction by saying yes to BillS-238.
This is the link to the petition, please sign and share! https://action.hsi.org/page/29653/action/1
My petition is for the shark fin trade but this one matters too! TY!
Update #1vor 5 Jahren
Hi guys,

I have some good news, Bill S-238 to stop shark fin import and export in Canada just passed the Canadian Senate and is now in the House of Commons. This mean that stopping shark fin import/export is phase one of stopping the trade in Canada, once this goes through the focus can be on shutting down all trade. This is good news for Canada, but most of all for the health and safety of sharks and our oceans. Continue to share this petition and thank you for your support.
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