Tell Congress: Don't Jeopardize the Lives of Animals and Public Health

The EATS Act, short for "Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression," is being spearheaded by Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) and Representative Ashley Hinson (R-IA). The proposed legislation has the potential to disrupt not only extreme confinement laws but also a wide range of state and local regulations governing agriculture.

The EATS Act seeks to limit the power of individual states to set their own standards for agricultural products. Its primary aim is to prevent states from enforcing regulations on animal products that are produced outside their borders and then imported for sale within the state. 

 Public pressure on Congress has resulted in the abandonment of the EATS Act as a stand alone bill. However, House Agriculture Committee Chair Glenn Thompson has shared his proposed Farm Bill, which includes EATS-like language.

While the Farm Bill is an opportunity to enhance protections for farmed animals and consumers, Thompson's language closely resembles the EATS Act, threatening states' rights to protect animals. If this language stays in the bill, and passes, it will mean more suffering for animals, more pollution, and more negative health consequences for people! 

By taking action today, you have the opportunity to make a difference for farmed animals. Act now and become part of the movement to end cruelty in the factory farming industry. Sign today and send a strong message to Congress where you stand on animal cruelty! 

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