The Air in This State Is So Bad, It's Dangerous to Leave Your House

Utah is known for a few things: Mormons, great skiing and air pollution. For such an incredible outdoorsy kind of state, they sure don't seem to care about the environment. I grew up in Utah and still have so many friends and family members there suffering through the toxic air quality!

Please sign on to pressure Utah to take this opportunity to clean up their air quality!

There are a lot of ideas out there on what to do about Utah's truly dangerous air. One idea is to get Utah to follow California's footsteps on the Zero Emmission Vehicle Program, which would help get more electric cars on the roads. There are also a few things in the works to limit wood burning and consumer products, as well as allocating funds to make major polluters like the Hill Airforce base and private industrial companies more eco-friendly.

But so far, nothing has happened. In fact, environmental groups have had to threaten to sue to get Utah Air Quality groups to even submit their legally required plans to clean up the air. But during all this, people and the environment are suffering. Doctors have warned the air quality is so bad it's literally dangerous to leave your house, especially if you are a child, elderly person or pregnant person. Meaning that the most vulnerable among us are suffering while Utah does nothing. 

It's clear that the private sector is hamstringing public officials from doing anything, even though that won't help economic growth in the long term. But Utah is in the running to host the 2030 Winter Olympics and hopefully that will help encourage them to do something. But they also need to hear from people like you and me.

The stats are horrifying. Utah is toxic and now is the time to exert pressure to make change!
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