Mr. Arwood while preforming his duties as Animal Control Officer did in a cruel an inhumane manner proceed to put a loop around a dogs neck and drag the dog off of a porch and up a hill thru a yard approximately 100 yards and down a dirt road to his truck at which time he picked the dog up with the pole and loop hanging on the end was the dog and threw him into his truck. The dog was being choked evidenced by its inability to bark or make any type of sound, the dog was gasping. I was yelling at Me. Arwood the entire time to wait and I would assist him. The dog was in apparent distress. After reporting Mr. Arwood other citizens have come forward and spoke of worse and similar acts preformed by Mr Arwood during his performance as Animal Officer. We request an investigation to these and other acts, an answer as to why he lives,rent free in a home willed to the County for the purpose of an Animal Santuary. And to why the Santuary has not been established.