End Violence Against Women Worldwide!

Violence against women is a serious global problem. In some countries, 7 in 10 women will be raped, beaten, mutilated or otherwise abused in their lifetimes. These are not just idle statistics.

Mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, colleagues, and lovers are in active danger of suffering from gender-based violence all over the world -- and many governments are doing little about it.

In Algeria, dozens of women who were beaten and raped by angry mobs more than a decade ago still have not been granted access to the lawyers they were promised by the state. Finnish Parliament has taken more than two years to ratify the first legally binding European Convention to address the problem of violence against women. And in the U.S., Congress used the lives of American girls and women as political leverage for months while they stalled on passing the Violence Against Women Act.

Join us in telling world leaders to make ending violence against women a priority today.
I am writing to you in honor of the UN Commission on the Status of Women to urge you to commit to taking action on ending violence against women in our country.

Gender-based violence is a serious issue worldwide. In some countries, 7 out of 10 women will suffer from rape, abuse, mutilation, or other violence in their lifetimes. Our mothers, daughters, sisters, lovers and friends are in real danger, and our government leaders' refusal to make ending violence against women a priority is downright sickening.

This International Women's Day and beyond, I urge you to take real action to work with other world leaders to implement laws, policies, and protections for women in our country and elsewhere.
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