Safer Energy Policy for EU, Russia and World

Ilon väreet liitto r.y. is calling for a fundamental change towards safer energy policy and renewable energy in European Union, Finland, Russia and the world and to cut emissions radically to protect and preserve
health of generations to come.
1. Subsidies and investments to studies of renewable energy resources must be brought to the level and higher than to fissile and fusion nuclear energy together.

2. EU Atom Treaty as a guarantee for a monopoly in energy sector should be either revised or abolished.

3. Nuclear energy undermines safety and health of the people in volatile regions and coasts that have frequent earth quakes and tsunamis.

4. CO2 emissions of nuclear fuel cycle and during construction of nuclear power plants must be recognised.

5. Proper health care, rehabilitation and livelihood to the victims of Tshernobyl Nuclear Power Plant should be provided.
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