Tell Republicans: HELL NO to Social Security and Medicare cuts

  • von: Left Action
  • empfänger: Congressional Republicans

Once again, Republicans are putting Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block. They shouted en masse, during President Biden's state of the union, that they wouldn't do it, but no surprise, they were lying.

House Republicans just released their 2024 budget proposal, which guts Social Security and Medicare and raises the retirement age.

This is ridiculous! These clowns have been trying for years to strip seniors of the benefits they've worked hard to pay into their entire lives. Even though Social Security and Medicare are wildly successful and popular, Republicans are hell-bent on destroying them. We need to turn up the pressure, and tell Republicans to BACK OFF.

Add your name to tell Republicans: HELL NO to Social Security and Medicare cuts! >>

And then share this, and get our signature number as high as possible. The more supporters we get, the more pressure there will be on Republicans. So sign, share, and help make a difference. 

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