Dog beaten to death by Thomas Fong

A 24-year-old Manhattan stock trader was charged Thursday with beating his girlfriend's 14-year-old Shetland collie to death. Thomas Fong, of 360 West 34th Street, was arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court on burglary and aggravated cruelty to animal charges for the death of the dog.
A 24-year-old Manhattan stock trader was charged Thursday with beating his girlfriend's 14-year-old Shetland collie to death.

Thomas Fong, of 360 West 34th Street, was arraigned in Manhattan Criminal Court on burglary and aggravated cruelty to animal charges for the death of the dog.

The New York Post reported, "The people are also investigating in this case issues of bestiality," Assistant District Attorney Tiana Walton told a Manhattan judge yesterday, without elaborating.

On March 11, the girlfriend, Christina Zorbas, found the dog, Alex, in the bathtub, dead, with blood splattered on the bathroom wall. A veterinarian at the North Shore Animal League Hospital found that the dog had died of internal bleeding from blunt-force trauma.

We petition Assistant District Attorney Tiana Walton to sentence Thomas Fong
for the longest jail sentence available and to deny him access to any animals
ever again and demand mandatory psychological counseling.
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