Support Justice For Nas- Our family dog gunned down and beaten by the Fayetteville Police Dept.

  • von: Jaime Smith
  • empfänger: Cumberland County Police Dept, Fayetteville Police Dept., Fayetteville Mayor and City Council, whomever can help make sure this NEVER happens again. Every animal lover and changers of ways in this jacked up system of

The best dog ever is the first way EVERYONE describes Nas. His life was taken from us by the Fayetteville Police Department. Discared in the front yard, to be picked up by sanitation. Without any notice of the family or owner. Please help us show him the justice he derserves and stops the police from using excessive force when it is not necessary. The story is below:

"A family whose dog was shot when Fayetteville police raided their Clarendon Street home on Wednesday morning has filed a complaint against the officers.

Department spokesman Gavin MacRoberts said the incident remained under investigation Friday.

MacRoberts said it is standard procedure for the department to conduct an internal investigation of complaints regarding uses of force in any police matter. That investigation will look at whether police operated according to department standards.

Christian Yepez and his family met with police Friday afternoon to discuss the matter, but MacRoberts said he could not share what was said because it relates to personnel matters.

Yepez's mother, Pennie Yepez, said about 11 people went to the police station Friday afternoon to ask police why the family dog was killed.

She said police did not offer much insight as to what happened to lead to the dog's death and family members left frustrated that their concerns were not being heard.

MacRoberts said police entered the home to execute a search warrant as part of an investigation involving Yepez. He said the dog was shot after police entered, but it remained unclear what prompted police to fire on 5-year-old Nastradamus, a medium-sized mixed breed.

"Details beyond that are part of the internal investigation and not being released," MacRoberts said.

Yepez was arrested after the raid and charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and maintaining a dwelling for controlled substances. MacRoberts said police seized less than 1.5 ounces of marijuana and two guns from the home.

Pennie Yepez said she was not home during the raid. Her son was upstairs sleeping when police kicked in the front door about 7 a.m. and threw flash grenades, she said. The dog was sleeping on the couch by the front door, and, after police entered, the dog moved away from the door.

"He was in the kitchen and (police) shot him three times," she said.

Pennie Yepez said the family had Nastradamus' body examined by a local veterinarian with x-rays to view the full scope of his injuries. She said there was a visible bullet hole in the dog's neck, unexplained leg injuries and several broken bones."

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