Federal Funding Request & Donations for "AFMRO" at 85 Blvd St-Joseph.Gatineau,Quebec.

  • von: Helen Palacios
  • empfänger: Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the General Public of Canada

   This organization is in "DIRE" need of help with the folllowing issues listed below, due to years of lack of provincial funding,in order to provide a stress free & sanitary environment for children aged 0 to 18.

1) website translation to be provided in English as well for reports to the customers in English (saving lawyer fees)website www.afmro.ca

2) daytime cleaner- 7 days a week- to clean the service rooms (toys,floor, tables & furniture ),

3) funding to hire staff to offer their services for the children and families on Christmas Day,New Years Day and Canada Day.

4) funding to change to a newer location that can provide private access while the customers are having their transitions (visits) supervised from "Other staff and Other clients".The building is run down,having a single bathroom,ruined flooring,broken air conditioning, no outdoor supervised play area ,limited parking on a hazardly busy street , far away for the full service of the Outaouais region.ect...

5) needing a donation of 2 boot-shoe mats to allow the clients to remove all outdoor footware to ensure the children crawling on the floor donot eat  outdoor dirt ect..

6) needing  donations of toilet paper,tissues(kleenex),paper towels ,a gently used vcr/dvd player,2 newer couches(sofas),any gently used toys aged 0-18,and salt for the sidewalk and stairs during the winter months,

**7)Security 7 days a week as they have none but their cell phone (including visual in case of emergencies)

8) donations of recycled paper so they may immediately print & give each persons report after each visit instead of withholding  them (clients with or without a lawyer).

   It has been suggested for this location to move to the Quebec courthouse "area" in Hull, Gatineau ,(even perhaps into the courthouse -as they have and do need child care services for court clients), but has been unheard- perhaps even ignored.This organization is often used by the Quebec Superior Family Court ,the Gatineau Youth Protection Service  and the general public.

** Celebrating the remembrance of the noble,courageous,child loving "Grey Nuns"in particular  Elisabeth Bruyere (March 19,1818-April 5,1876) **

Update #2vor 10 Jahren

This is a notice that I am cancelling all visits due to your harrasment,and refussal to address my last email.You facility is still dirty ,under equiped,unsafe(no security) and makes my son unhappy as well as myself.May I suugest firing the employees who bother us.
Update #1vor 10 Jahren
a couple of weeks ago they acquired new furniture and many new toys,
they have recieved a copy of this petition,
the finance minister of Quebec has been given a copy but to this day no response from them,
more requests for the copies of sessions documents but yet they still refuse.
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