Tell Governor Inslee: Don't Gun Down Washington's Wolves

Over the weekend the Center for Biological Diversity learned of a secret operation by Washington State's wildlife agency to send an aerial sniper to wipe out one of Washington's few existing wolf packs.
The helicopter sniper already gunned down one wolf near Huckleberry Mountain and the killing will continue unless we act now.
Only about 50 wolves exist in Washington and the Huckleberry pack -- a family unit with young pups that will starve if the adult wolves are killed -- is crucial to wolves' continued existence in the Pacific Northwest. There is no excuse for gunning down wolves from a helicopter when non-lethal forms of wildlife management would suffice. The agency intends to kill up to three more wolves. It is unknown if the wolf killed this weekend was an adult or perhaps one of the pups -- or which pack members they will target next.
Take action today -- send Washington Governor, Jay Inslee, a strong message: Recall the sniper and stop killing Washington's wolves.
Governor Inslee:
I am deeply concerned about the use of aerial snipers to kill some of Washington's few existing gray wolves. Wolf recovery is in its early stages in Washington, with only around 50 confirmed wolves and the Huckleberry pack is critical to their continued survival in the state.
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The Huckleberry pack is known to have several late-season pups. These pups represent the future of wolves in Washington, yet if the adults they rely upon for food are gunned down by a hunter in a helicopter they are unlikely to survive. And if the state wildlife agency is possibly gunning down those pups, to halt the pack's need to hunt for more food for its family, that's an unconscionable way to show stewardship for a recovering endangered species.
I urge you to immediately recall the aerial gunner and instruct the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife to use only non-lethal methods when managing Washington's wolves.
[Your name]
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