Renew Ruby's Lease - Coney Island - NYC

Rubys has been told they have 15 days to get out (NOVEMBER 15th) If you want to see them stay they need your help please CALL or send letters to:

Central Amusement International 49 Fanny Road
Booton, NJ 07005
ATTN: Valerio Ferrari &  to Mayor Bloomberg

Other contacts:

Marty Markowitz

Domenic M. Recchia, Jr

Zamperla amusements
973-334-8133 ext 201

Coney Island Development Corporation

Christine Quinn

What you can do:
1. Call and email all of the contacts listed above!
2. Come to Ruby's on Saturday November 6, 2010 (may be the last time they are open)
3. Keep up with news here:
4. Pass the petition to friends and family -
5. Sign the online petition
6. Tell your Parents, Grandparents and neighbors about this - ask them to call!

In business since 1934, we are the Oldest Bar & Grill on the Coney Island Boardwalk . Famously located directly on the boardwalk with the Atlantic Ocean as our front yard.
RUBY'S is  family owned and operated. We are the only full service bar & grill on the boardwalk with indoor seating. RUBY'S was Voted the 14th sexiest beach bar in the world by the TRAVEL CHANNEL. Other awards include best Dive bar in Brooklyn 1999, 2002, 2005, and. best jukebox on the boardwalk 40 years running.

RUBY'S has been featured in Films and TV

Our season is from (April) Palm Sunday thru Halloween Oct 31st.
Dear Mayor Bloomberg and Mr. Ferrari,
It has been brought to my attention that a historic piece of Coney Island is being kicked out. How does a business that has been there since 1934 along with 9 other businesses get kicked out?

Please help Ruby's get their lease renewed. Ruby's has been around since 1934 - over 2 generations of the same family serving the same community. That's dedication to the area and community that Ruby's has served for almost a century.

I believe that a business that has stayed open since 1934 deserves more than 15 days to get whatever funds together to keep their lease. Ruby's deserves more than this from the City of New York.
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