Save the Water Voles!

Have you ever seen a water vole paddling along our waterways? If so, you're one of the lucky ones. Water voles are the UK's fastest-declining wild mammal population and sightings of them are increasingly rare. If things continue this way, we'll soon lose these captivating animals forever.
The good news is we can do something to save them.
The problem is simple: Water voles are losing their homes. The soft-soil banks where they build their burrows are eroding, leaving water voles with no safe place to shelter their young and hide from predators. As a result, they are quickly dying out.
Together, we can stop this from happening. With your help, we can recreate water voles' lost habitats, converting eroded banks into lush areas of vegetation where they can safely feed and rear their young. Our initial efforts have already shown signs of success, but the process is taxing and we need as much public support as possible to expand.
And we must act quickly – the water voles don't have much time.
Sign your name now to show your support for our work to ensure the much-loved water voles are safely sharing our canals and rivers for generations to come.
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