Disney: Please Make the Live-Action Remake of “The Fox and the Hound” All CGI, Donate A Portion of Proceeds to Anti-Hunting Groups and Organisations and Increase the Anti-Hunting Message!

Hello 👋,
I have just read about Disney's idea of making a live-action remake of "The Fox and the Hound", to join the live-action remakes of "Dumbo", "The Lion King" and their numerous other live-action remakes. Given the movie's anti-hunting message, following the story of the friendship between Copper the hound and Tod the fox, this is a great opportunity to support the anti-hunting cause. While it would be controversial for Disney to support the anti-hunting cause, most of the population of the USA and the UK don't hunt and many are against hunting. While it could anger hunters and hunting supporters, it would help to win the favour of animal rights activists and support animal rights, and potentially save animals' lives.
"The Fox and the Hound" was one of my favourite movies growing up. It follows the story of the forbidden friendship between an orphaned fox named Tod, who is being raised by an old woman, and a hound puppy named Copper, who has been bought by a hunter who punishes the puppy for running away to play with Tod. Copper is turned into a hunting dog, but still spares Tod's life. After an attack by a bear, during which the hunter accidentally gets trapped in a trap laid to catch Tod, Copper persuades the hunter to spare Tod's life, after Tod saves them. Driving home the anti-hunting message even more could help the animal rights cause, and donating some of the proceeds to anti-hunting groups and organisations could further help the anti-hunting cause and potentially help save animals' lives.
Hunting is a cruel activity which sees the unnecessary, violent deaths of millions/billions of animals each year. It is often done not out of necessity, but just for sick "fun", "sport" and as a lifestyle choice. It also orphans many animals and leaves them without their mothers, and vulnerable to predation and starvation, as well as (perhaps) other threats.
Trapping is also very inhumane, causing deep injuries right down to the bone, breaking legs and causing pain and agony to trapped foxes, coyotes, wolves, raccoons, mink and other animals. Often, non-target animals are caught and just discarded like trash.
Also, please, let's not neglect the hounds' perspective; the hounds used for fox-hunting in the UK would often be shot when not wanted for hunting. Spanish greyhounds, or galgos, are also mistreated and disposed of in cruel ways. They have been found trapped in wells, hanging upside down and hunters often break their legs to prevent them from following the hunters home. The lucky galgos are found, rescued and adopted. The "sport" of hunting with galgos is also, of course, terrible for the animals who are hunted, such as rabbits.
Disney have already used a rescue dog to play Tramp in the live-action "Lady and the Tramp", and improved even more on the already-good message of "Lady and the Tramp" by changing the ending; (spoiler alert for "Lady and the Tramp") instead of Lady and Tramp having their own puppies at the end, Jocqueline's household adopt two puppies previously featured, from the pound. It's time to improve even more on the already-animal-friendly message of "The Fox and the Hound" and donate some of the proceeds to help animals!
Thank you 😊.

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