Tell Australia's Government: Companies Shouldn't Be Paid to Pollute

It's outrageous. While other countries across the globe take meaningful steps to cut pollution, our government is making it cheaper for companies to use dirty energy like coal and gas.
Over the next four years, the Abbott government will subsidise pollution through billions of dollars in handouts and tax breaks to big polluting companies.
It's reckless and completely unnecessary.
Multi-billion dollar mining and energy companies are some of Australia's wealthiest. They are also our largest carbon polluters. Yet they receive huge tax refunds on fuel while the rest of us pay more in tax, every time we go to the pump.
And since the Abbott government repealed our carbon price, the biggest polluters are allowed to pollute for free. Now it's everyday Australians who foot the bill through dangerous climate change.
It's an outrage that the government allows Australia's biggest and most profitable polluters to mine the public purse at our expense.
It's time for the government to put the people ahead of the big polluters.
Please sign our petition today and tell Treasurer Joe Hockey, put an end to big polluter handouts.
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