Urgent Congress To Take Action For Wildlife Bill Reintroduced To The House. Combat Anti-Trafficking and Promote Wildlife Conservation Across The Globe!

The National Whistleblower Center is proud to announce the re-introduction of the Wildlife Conservation and Anti-Trafficking Act. This bill, introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, would empower whistleblowers to report information about wildlife crime and strengthen the enforcement capacity of U.S. agents. It is a critical tool to help stop the trafficking of endangered species, prevent illegal fishing and illegal logging.

Support H.R. 864

1) STRENGTHENS WILDLIFE CRIME DETECTION - Mandates whistleblower rewards for citizens and NGOs worldwide who report information on wildlife crime, with a successful prosecution.

2) ENHANCES ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS - Expands transnational law enforcement to stop wildlife trafficking at the source. Wildlife trafficking becomes an offense under federal racketeering and organized crime statutes.

3) INCREASES WILDLIFE CONSERVATION FUNDING -Monies recovered by successful prosecution under said statutes and other wildlife protection laws must be put directly into conservation efforts.

Support the Wildlife Conservation and Anti-Trafficking Act by writing to your Representative in Congress   

Learn about the bill here: Support H.R. 864

Visit the Wildlife Whistleblower Page

Founded in 1988, The National Whistleblower Center is a Nonprofit with a two-fold mission: educating the public on how to use laws to blow the whistle and get results and seeking real solutions to improve conditions for whistleblowers, encourage reporting, and promote transparency.

Update #1vor 6 Jahren
Share with your family and friends. We have close to over 6,700 people write to their representatives in Congress. We need 10,000 more. Read the links below. WildAid is in the fight to combat this growing problem


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