Don't Cut through Coorg

Unless we act now, fifty thousand trees could be cut down and thousands of animals affected for the construction of a high-tension power line.

The line is planned for construction through the pristine evergreen forest of two wildlife sanctuaries which are home to many endangered species including elephants and tigers.

The destruction and fragmentation of forests will have a serious negative impact on the biodiversity of this area, and will affect water flow and availability in the region.

In addition to endangering the animals in these forests, hacking down 50,000 trees will endanger the water supply to cities including Mysore and Bangalore.

Please sign my petition to ask the committee to approve an alternate route for the power line and protect the wildlife in these sanctuaries.

Update #5vor 9 Jahren
59,574 is much more than expected. Thank you for all your signatures. I will be sending the target an email with all these emails shortly.

Meanwhile can you please sign the following petitions preventing a wild tiger from being taken to the zoo. Our aim is to get 1 million signatures by 24 May. PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE TO PREVENT THIS INJUSTICE
Update #4vor 9 Jahren
I am closing this petition on 25 th May as the number of signatures our drastically reducing. Please share wildly with all known friends and family and try and reach 60,000 or maybe more. Thanks for the signatures. Please can you sign the following petition.
Update #3vor 9 Jahren
44,678 signatures. This is much more than expected. the last day to sign this petition is 1 July. Please share with at least 10 other people. Let's try and get to as many signatures as possible until 1st July. Even tell your friends to share with 10 more people. Together we can save the forest. thanks for signing and all your support
Update #2vor 9 Jahren
Thanks for all your support. Let's try and get to 100,000. Here is the link to my other petition
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Hi,thanks for signing this petition, could all of you PLEASE sign my other petition (Save The Mangrove Forest) as it is much more urgent.
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