To date, the 9/11 Commission has ignored the most salient questions of the 9/11 attacks. We demand that a NEW INVESTIGATIVE BODY be established consisting of individuals who have no conflict of interest and these hearings be public for all witnesses.
WE THE PEOPLE of the WORLD STAND UNITED in calling for an independent investigation to address the many unanswered questions not addressed by the President’s commission on 9/11. We feel these are urgent questions in search of the TRUTH in the aftermath of the horror of the day of “airliners used as missiles” in America. Since this day is used as justification for an “UNENDING GLOBAL WAR” which will affect us ALL, it is imperative that an investigative body be established which is dedicated to the full TRUTH. Here is a “very brief sampling” of the many questions WE MUST HAVE answered in seeking the TRUTH. 1) WHY were military jets not scrambled (when this is standard operating procedure) in reaction to FOUR KNOWN HIJACKINGS quickly perceived to be an ATTACK AGAINST AMERICA? 2) WHO did heavy options trading just prior to 9/11 indicating foreknowledge of the events of this day? 3) WILL calculations based on gravitational physics justify the speed of collapse of the WTC buildings & WHY did Building #7 collapse? 4) WHY were we told shortly after this horrible event that the salvage from the WTC buildings would be moved to an island to be thoroughly examined as is typical of any criminal investigation and then this failed to take place? 5) WHY didn’t President Bush take immediate action as Commander-in Chief when it was obvious to everyone that America was being attacked? 6) WHY has this same President & associates done everything possible to limit any investigations related to the 9/11 incidents?
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