Stop This Pomeranian from Being PTS (Another Bite Case)
PASSED Temperment test no longer need to sign thank you for your interest
Pom Posse makes sure that pomeranians are safe across the country and we have been watching a case unfold in Norht Carolina. Much like Ginger in Ohio. A680644 is a pomeranian male unaltered who bit and was quarentined for a period of time. Now on Monday Sept 18 they will do a temperment test on him and if deemed unadoptable he will be PTS. No rescue, no adoption, and no hope. They have not said they will definitely PTS but we know that if he fails the temperment test he will be PTS.
We need to organize to sign this for him. Waiting will not help him.
Actually comments from Pom Posse Volunteers:
Spoke with Donna and the pom did bite and they will have a meeting
tonight about him after a behavior test is done.. I did mention about poms scared in shelters she was nice she knows etc. but they WILL PTS if he cant be adopted not even to rescue.. I Told her we would call back.. (ps I was very nice on phone, I even bit my lip I am good at that)
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