Thank You to Those Who Eliminate Pollution and Save Lives

  • von: Care2
  • empfänger: Blacksmith Institute staff and the field workers

Exposure to pollution causes an estimated 20% of deaths in the developing world and cripples millions, especially children. In these communities, children have lost 30 to 40 IQ points and life expectancy can be as low as 45 years. It is one of the biggest global problems and one of the easiest to solve!

The nonprofit Blacksmith Institute finds and cleans up life-threatening pollution in the world's worst polluted places.

For ten years, Blacksmith has been working to remove toxic poisons from playgrounds, schools, homes and factories as well as from large river systems and entire communities. Blacksmith is now working in 19 countries using low-cost methods that can save a life for as little as $42.

Join us in sending a message of thanks to the staff and the field workers of the Blacksmith Institute for everything they have done to eliminate toxic pollution and save lives around the world.

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