Just hours before a special interest group protecting puppy mills launched a week-long campaign of attack ads against The Humane Society of the United States in his state, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt issued a "consumer alert" against the animal rights organization.
That's right: he used his position of power to collude with industry against a non-profit organization. One whose mission is simply to protect the animals that can't speak for themselves.
Take Action: Tell your Senators that a man with Scott Pruitt's ethics doesn't belong at the EPA.
Please oppose Scott Pruitt's nomination as EPA Administrator
Dear [Decision Maker],
With so much focus in Washington on ensuring politicians are held to a strong ethical standard, I ask you to oppose the nomination of Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator.
While there is no proof Pruitt broke any laws, his repeated collaboration with industry that was funneling money to his political activities undermines confidence in his ability to stand up for everyday Americans as the EPA administrator.
In 2013, employees at Oklahoma Gas and Electric held a fundraiser for Pruitt. Six days later, he filed a lawsuit against the EPA in an effort to block a rule that the company opposed. In 2014, a natural gas company called Devon Energy gave $125,000 to the Republican Attorneys General Association (a political organization Pruitt had led and at which he remained an executive). Two days later, Pruitt wrote the EPA objecting to the agency's proposal to study the impact of fracking on public health and air quality.
And just last year, a month after Exxon Mobil made a $50,000 donation to RAGA, Pruitt wrote a newspaper op-ed publicly attacking efforts to investigate whether Exxon deliberately misled investors and the public despite internal research confirming the scientific reality of climate change.
Please oppose this nomination, and keep ethics strong at the EPA.
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