Clean Boot Hunting to replace ALL forms of hunting with Foxhounds

Clean Boot Hunting where Bloodhounds pursue a running human rather than a terrified fox is the only humane option and should replace all forms of hunting with Foxhounds. The current hunting ban has been treated with total disregard as hunters are "accidentally" killing foxes as if the ban does not exist. We are living in the modern age where over 85% of the population oppose fox hunting.

Trail hunting is not an option because the foxhounds are trained to follow the scent of a fox, so will track down and kill real foxes, even if they're meant to be following an artificially laid scent.

Changes have to be made and if the hunters still want "the thrill of the chase" Clean Boot Hunting is the ideal way to replace the "sport" of fox hunting. This is the only way the foxes can be safe as the Bloodhounds are trained to follow a man`s scent and nothing more.

Please sign this petition to demand the Government ban hunting that uses hounds that are trained to follow a fox scent, to force hunting groups to take up Clean Boot Hunting with bloodhounds if they still want to hunt.

NB: The petition is not asking for the fox-hounds to be killed but to be rehomed and then replaced with Bloodhounds. 

Update #3vor 6 Jahren
There are 94,993 signatures so far. Please keep sharing to see if we can reach 100,000 signatures. This is the only way foxes can live perfectly safe as the Bloodhounds will not chase them.Let us show the Government we have had enough of hunters killing our reds for their own pathetic satisfaction. Thank you
Update #2vor 6 Jahren
89,114 signatures so far and thank you for signing. Please keep sharing to see if we can reach at least 100,000 signatures to show the Government this is the only way the foxes can be safe, Thank you
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Thank you for signing there`s nearly 68.000 signatures so far. Please keep sharing to keep the foxes safe as this is the only form of hunting where the foxes are safe. Foxes are still being killed even though there is a fox hunting ban and must stop. The more signatures the better.
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