Pledge to plant a garden for the climate!

Whether you have a giant yard or live in a tiny urban high rise, everyone can be part of the climate solution.
While we need to reduce climate emissions, there's already too much carbon dioxide warming the atmosphere. We need to draw down this carbon if we're going to stop warming our planet.
The good news? Gardening and agriculture can restore soil health to pull carbon out of the atmosphere and slow the climate crisis.
That's why Green America started Climate Victory Gardens – inspired by the WWI and WWII victory gardening movement, when 20 million gardeners produced 40% of the fresh fruits and vegetables consumed in the USA.
Anyone can start a Climate Victory Garden and grow food, pollinator habitats, and healthy soils. We encourage gardeners to avoid harmful herbicides and pesticides, petroleum fertilizers, and to utilize techniques like no-till and biodiversity. Wherever you are on your gardening journey, please join our movement.
We learn together, and it's the collective action of Climate Victory Gardeners across the country (and world!) that has the potential to move the dial on the climate crisis.
Sign up to plant a Climate Victory Garden with Green America today and learn more.
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