Florida Panthers Could Disappear Forever Without Your Help

Today, approximately 120 Florida panthers are left in the world. These majestic animals are threatened on all sides by rapid habitat destruction from human encroachment and development.

Some panthers still roam throughout Florida, but breeding panthers are only found in southwestern Florida on 5 percent of their original range, which used to extend throughout the whole Southeast. They face imminent extinction without our help.

Our government is required by the Endangered Species Act to protect imperiled species on the brink of extinction. But the Florida panther was listed in 1967, and this vanishing animal’s home still hasn’t been protected -- more than 32 years later!

Please take action today to urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to designate critical habitat so that the endangered Florida panther has a fighting chance.

Dear Secretary Salazar,

Florida panthers are rapidly disappearing. Please immediately order the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to designate critical habitat for the endangered Florida panther.

[Your comment will be inserted here]

There are only 100 to 120 Florida panthers left in the world. While individual panthers roam throughout Florida, and one was even killed up in Georgia last year, breeding panthers are only found in southwestern Florida on 5 percent of their original range — which used to extend throughout the Southeast. Much of their remaining habitat is urgently threatened by development.

Research has shown that animals and plants with critical habitat designated for them are far more likely to be moving toward recovery than those without. The Florida panther was listed as endangered in 1967, and yet its habitat is still not protected 32 years later.

The Florida Panther Recovery Plan makes clear that without protection of habitat, the panther will never recover and will eventually dwindle toward extinction. Attempts at habitat protection that do not designate critical habitat will not save this iconic animal.

The Florida panther is counting on you – and so am I. Please ensure that critical habitat is designated so that Florida panthers will survive and recover.

Thank you for your swift action.
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