Tell prosecutors to charge parents who give kids unsupervised access to guns BEFORE they hurt someone!

It shouldn't take another school shooting to understand that giving kids unsupervised access to guns is dangerous. While the parents of the Michigan school shooting suspect are being rightfully charged with involuntary manslaughter, four teenagers are now dead due to their poor parenting.

It's not the first time parents of troubled kids have allowed their access to firearms to go unchecked, resulting in tragedy — and if we don't demand a change, it won't be the last time.

Add your name to call for prosecutors to charge parents who give kids unsupervised access to guns BEFORE they hurt someone!

Parents who allow their children to access weapons outside of a controlled environment are directly contributing to the culture that causes gun violence and school shootings. It might be easy to assume it won't be your child that takes another life, or has their life taken — but it's impossible to know for sure. 

We have a duty not only to protect our children from gun violence, but also to work to prevent it. 

Sign now to tell prosecutors to charge reckless parents before tragedy, not after!

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