This Sweet, Disabled Pup Was Tossed Aside Like Trash...Twice!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: The Civil Police of Brazil
"You lucky dog!"

If you've ever been on the receiving end of this turn of phrase, you probably felt pretty good. This phrase was certainly not coined after the poor dog Tintin, who was feeling anything but lucky the day that his family dumped and deserted him on the street - twice.

Sign the petition and beg Brazilian authorities to find Tintin's cruel abandoners and bring them to justice!

Sweet Tintin is a three-legged pooch. On top of that, his only front leg is malformed and doesn't offer much support. All pets require love and care, but Tintin obviously needs a bit extra. Unfortunately for him, his owners saw him as a burden and selfishly decided to dispose of him like trash when they easily could have relinquished him to a shelter where he could get the care he deserves

Horrifying video footage caught Tintin's owner pulling onto the side of a city street. When she opens the car door, two dogs jump out, one of them being Tintin. The woman then coaxes the other dog safely back into the car. When Tintin tries to follow suit, she grabs him by the head and neck and throws him back, away from the car. She then speeds off, and Tintin is left to limp towards the only family he's over known as they leave him in the dust.

Even more horrifying still is the discovery that after the incident in the video took place, a kind stranger returned Tintin to his home. That would be a happy ending for most dogs. But as you can already tell from this story, Tintin's owners were not committed to giving him a happy anything. This time, the woman's husband took a turn driving Tintin to another location and dumping him a second time.

This is almost unimaginable. No dog deserves the life of a stray, but Tintin's physical condition almost guarantees that he would not survive long on the street. Luckily, he is now in the caring hands of rescuers and has had many, many offers of adoption. Tintin is safe, but we must make sure his merciless owners are not able to abuse any more helpless animals.

Use your voice to tell the authorities in the Brazilian city of Sao Leopoldo to find these criminals and charge them with animal cruelty! Sign the petition today.
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