Help Mothers who are Wrongfully Accused of Child Abuse

  • von: Myrna Fernandez
  • empfänger: George Bush, President of the United States
Any mother who has been accused of child abuse by someone they know (ex-boyfriend, spouse, friend, etc.)should not have their child removed from their place of residence.

In all cases of child abuse accusations, the accuser should be investigated thoroughly also.

A child should not be taken out of his or her place of residence if the mother has not been charged or convicted of a crime.

Too many lives in this nation have been destroyed and continue to be destroyed because we mothers have been accused of child abuse and are being accused of child abuse more than ever before.

In the State of California alone, there were over 110,000 who were accused of child abuse last year, and over 330,000 who were accused of this crime in New York.

These figures are extremely high and we must stop this blasphemous act, before it's too late.

There must be justice done to the people who took our children away from us in the first place, and have the accuser investigated throughly, before a child is taken out of his or her home. Those of us who are truly innocent deserve justice also. We have suffered a great deal and alot of us mothers continue to suffer for no reason at all. Remember, that we are the ones who brought our precious children into this world.

We want our children back, and we will do everything in our power to make sure that our children are returned back to us.

We don't believe that a judge, or social worker, or psychologist has a right to determine the type of people we are or to treat us maliciously as these so-called professionals do.

Remember that as much as "human cloning" is immorally wrong, it is also immorally wrong for a child to be taken away from her or his home for a crime that we did not commit. It is morally wrong, and we must do what is right in order to solve this problem immediately!

We, as mothers, hope that your can take action now, to return our children back to us so that our children are safe and have everything they need.

Ban the accusers who have lied continuously to the courts and have used money to pay off so-called professionals so that these so-called professionals can act as witnesses on these accusers' behalf in court proceedings.

Let us mothers have our children back please, because the United States is the most powerful nation of all, do the right thing and return our children back to us.

Thank you.
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