We're seeing a dangerous pattern of science suppression in this administration. From its decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement to attempts by the Department of Energy to prop up the coal industry and now a proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan, the Trump administration is ignoring the science and siding with polluters.
In an era of heat waves and rising sea levels—where the effects of climate change are increasingly known, accepted, and felt—we need an EPA that stands for its mission to protect our communities' health and environment through strong, independent science.
Tell Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt that you are outraged that he is putting fossil fuel industry profits ahead of the health and safety of the public by repealing the Clean Power Plan.
To: Scott Pruitt, administrator, Environmental Protection Agency
I oppose your reckless proposal to repeal the Clean Power Plan. We need the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to use strong, independent science to assess the actual risks and costs that climate change and power plant pollution pose to the public.
pollution fuels climate change and increases temperatures, which can worsen air quality, exacerbate asthma attacks, and contribute to more intense and costly extreme weather events.
I support the Clean Power Plan because it sets common sense limits on carbon pollution from power plants and positions the United States to be a leader in the global clean energy economy. Renewable energy is already delivering safe, reliable, and affordable power to consumers--diversifying our electricity mix, strengthening state and local economies, and reducing harmful air pollution.
By moving to repeal the Clean Power Plan, the EPA is undermining vital health protections that reduce air pollution and help address climate change. We need the EPA to strengthen safeguards that help address climate change, not tear them down.
I am calling on you to put the health and safety of our communities ahead of politics and stop the repeal of this critical step towards a more breathable and safer future.