Tell eBay To Stop Selling Slaughtered Bats!
- von: Care2
- empfänger: eBay
Several companies are catching bats in the wild and killing them for sale as “art” in glass frames. One small bat, also known as the Short-nosed fruit bat, is a major target of this cruel practice. The fruit bat is an important pollinator and seed dispenser, and has a status of vulnerable.
Bats already face severe threats due to habitat loss. Killing additional bats for personal collections only leads to further decline of wild bat populations.
Fruit and nectar-eating bats are responsible for hundreds of economically important products including foods, drinks, medicines, timber, fibers, dyes and fuel. Wild varieties of many of the worldÂ’s most economically valuable crop plants, such as bananas, rely on bats for survival. Insect eating bat species are natural enemies of night-flying pests that damage crops, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.
Tell eBay to stop selling stuffed bat bodies unless eBay is sure 1) the bats are not imperiled in the wild, and 2) the bats were collected after they died naturally.
Please do not allow the sale of bat bodies on eBay unless you can verify:
1) the dead bats are not imperiled in the wild and;
2) have been collected after death, not killed for sale.
Bat populations are declining in the wild due to habitat loss, and efforts to kill them for sale on eBay only hastens their demise, especially in the cases of endangered and threatened bats.
Fruit and nectar-eating bats are responsible for hundreds of economically important products including foods, drinks, medicines, timber, fibers, dyes and fuel. Wild varieties of many of the world’s most economically valuable crop plants, such as bananas, rely on bats for survival. Insect eating bat species are natural enemies of night-flying pests that damage crops, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.
Please protect these important creatures by prohibiting the sale of bats until the aforementioned criteria have been met.
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