Demand that Federal court cannot decide if police can shoot a dog if it moves or barks when entering a home or property.
Federal court rules police can shoot a dog if it moves or barks when officers enter a home. This is a big line to cross threatening dog owners with violence against the same dogs those officers rely on to keep them safe. All life matters whether it does to you or not it does to someone else. I have a deaf dog who is my emotional support animal and with this ruling they could kill my dog for moving her head. To me this is unacceptable as my dogs are my family and I will not stand for this type of injustice. This is not just animal cruelty it's murder, it's sadistic. We are suppose to rely on the police to protect and serve the public, not murder our dogs in our own homes. Demand that Federal court overrule that police can shoot a dog if it moves or barks when entering a home or property. I want this to go viral. I want the world to understand that our companions are our lives. We live and breathe for them like our children. Don't allow this atrocity to stand.
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