Tell Nestle "Stop Aiding Destruction of Tiger/Rhino Habitat!"

  • von: Kuba Ash
  • empfänger: Nazir Foead, Director of Policy and Corporate Engagement., WWF-Indonesia
This petition's goal is to help WWF-Indonesia's Director of Policy and Corporate Engagement, Nazir Foead, get the message across to the world's coffee distributers that the public will not support companies that aid in the destruction of Bukit Barisan Selatan, home to endangered tigers and rhinos.


We call upon the world's coffee distributors (Nestle, Kraft, Lavazza and Marubeni) to stop the degradation of Bukit Barisan Selatan, home to endangered tigers and rhinos by purchasing coffee beans that have been grown illegally.

We call upon these companies to implement sufficient controls to ensure that they are no longer buying illegally grown coffee.

We call upon these companies to step up and become leaders in environmental accountability, whose decisions will not only stop the destruction of Sumatran tiger and rhino habitat, but provide a framework for other environmentally conscious organizations.

We ask Nazir Foead to help us deliver our message.

We call upon the world's coffee distributors (Nestle, Kraft, Lavazza and Marubeni) to stop the degradation of Bukit Barisan Selatan, home to endangered tigers and rhinos by purchasing coffee beans that have been grown illegally.

We call upon these companies to implement sufficient controls to ensure that they are no longer buying illegally grown coffee.

We call upon these companies to step up and become leaders in environmental accountability, whose decisions will not only stop the destruction of Sumatran tiger and rhino habitat, but provide a framework for other environmentally conscious organizations.

We ask Nazir Foead to help us deliver our message.

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