"Mandatory Education in Elementary Schools on Humane Treatment of Animals"

  • von: Sherry Thesen
  • empfänger: China, USA, Canada Policy makers on school curricullum for kids 12 and under.

As we see more abuse and neglect of animals including pets, farm animals, wildlife and all creatures great and small on earth it becomes more and more apparent to me that education in the school systems must be lacking or we would see more people growing up with sensitivity and the strong sense to prevent these acts on animals. Therefore let's educate the young ones before they become silent witnesses to abuse of animals or worst yet abusers. Education should include stories of how animals are so intelligent just as we humans are to produce empathy in humans for animals just as we show empathy for fellow human beings.

Sherry Thesen ("speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves") Jane Goodall quote.

Hello policy makers in education curriculum for our young children 12 and under in Canada, USA and China,

I am writing to you with a plea for change to our schools' curriculum for this age group to include mandatory education on the humane treatment of animals.

As we see more abuse and neglect of animals including pets, wildlife and all creatures great and small on earth it becomes more and more apparent to me that education in the school systems must be lacking or we would see more people growing up with sensitivity and the strong sense to prevent these acts on animals.

Therefore let's educate the young ones before they become silent witnesses to abuse of animals or worst yet abusers.

Education should include stories of how animals are so intelligent just as we humans are to produce empathy in humans for animals just as we show empathy for fellow human beings. Afterall, studies have proven animals experience intelligent experiences just as we humans do. More importantly they feel pain and loneliness as we do.

I am sending an attachment with 611 signatures from the public all over the world who signed my petition on Care2 site voting in favour of this inclusion to childrens' curricullum in schools.

Please help with this important step so we can see a future with the humane treatment of animals from our new citizens in society.

Sherry Thesen

"Speaking For Those Who Cannot Speak For Themselves" (Jane Goodall quote). This is also a quote used in the bible by Jesus to help "...those who cannot speak for themselves".

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
The first ever international conference on animal welfare education took place in Brussels in 2010. This document has been very informative and reveals the huge challenges in implementing an educational program on animal rights in schools on a global scale. However I am still strongly involved in proceeding. Thanks so much for signing my petition! I Please send onwards to contacts for signing and I will follow by forwarding to officials who can help implement change.
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