Petition To Have Hillary Clinton Imprisoned For Using Her Private Server For Classified Emails, Then Destroying The Evidence, For The Deaths in Benghazi And Her Ties To Child Sex Trafficking And Lying To Congress And The American People About All Of It

  • von: Harley Quinn
  • empfänger: United States Congress, United States Federal Court, U.S Federal Bureau Of Investigations, U.S. Department Of Justice, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy (SC-4)

In March 2015, it became publicly known that Hillary Clinton, during her tenure as United States Secretary of State, had exclusively used her family's private email server for official communications, rather than official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers. Those official communications included thousands of emails that would later be marked classified by the State Department retroactively.

Some experts, officials, and members of Congress have contended that her use of private messaging system software and a private server violated State Department protocols and procedures, as well as federal laws and regulations governing recordkeeping.

This is a federal offense and justice can only be served by prosecuting Hillary Clinton and sending her to prison.

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