Demand Trump apologize to veterans and be punished for his disgraceful performance at Arlington National Cemetery

It takes a special kind of jerk to go to the sacred space of Arlington National Cemetery, use it as a campaign prop, and flash a thumbs up in front of a tombstone while illegally taking pictures and film for ads.

Donald Trump is that jerk. And it's not surprising that veterans across America are livid.

Trump needs to apologize, and he needs to do it immediately. And since what he did is against federal law, according to cemetery officials, he needs to be punished.

If Trump really cared about the grieving families who were there, as he claims, he wouldn't have used them as campaign props. There's no excuse for this, and he needs to admit what he did was wrong, and face the consequences. 

Add your name: Demand Trump apologize to veterans and be punished for his disgraceful performance at Arlington National Cemetery

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