End the illegal mining of wetlands & farmland on the Fl Department of corrections property in Union Co Fl. For dirt & clay to cover a 163 .00 ac tri county Landfill for the Countys of Baker & Bradford & Union Counties in the State of Fl .
Folks what we got here is the Fl Department of corrections is illegally selling & mining wetlands & farmland here in Union Co Fl. To provide cover for this almost 200.00 ac. Landfill so they provide cheaper rates for outside Counties & States to dump their garbage in this Landfill now land mined belonging F.D.O.C. IS 334.70 ac. Surrounding this whole Landfill other than the entrance off SR. 121 and i want to let you know F.D.O.C owns 16.000 ac. Surrounding this Landfill so the landfill can't expand as far in size. Now next question is why am i concerned . #1 The water tables on this property is less than 20 feet deep most drinking wells in this area anywhere from 20 feet to 40 feet deep in most areas no more than 65 feet at the most an rare . #2 Baker & Bradford & Union Co. & F.D.O.C are in violation of the Fl. Sunshine laws for not holding public meetings on the issues of mining F.D.O.C Lands in Union Co Fl. #3 Baker&Bradford & Union Co. & F.D.O.C are in violation Of the Fl Sunshine laws For not filing for proper permitting to mine such property as described and agin no public meetings being held. Now third question what needs to happen. This needs to be stopped dead in it's tracks before thing get worse the illegal mining that has started can probably be fixed far as damage wise that's been done by reclamation of the property being put back to original state .plus a Juvenile prison is across the street from this mining activity that's going on here is exposed to dust & radon gas with no where to go either. Folks we help down here bottom line & on the federal level to wake these crooks up . Thanks.
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