Exposing Systemic Corruption within DFACS AND THE POLICE DEP

    U.S. Department of Justice
    Civil Rights Division
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20530

    Complaint Against Dekalb County Police Department and DFACS: Systemic Corruption and Civil Rights Violations

    Dear Civil Rights Division,

    I, Lesley McKeithan, am filing this complaint to expose systemic corruption and civil rights violations within the Dekalb County Police Department and Dekalb County DFACS. My personal experience, detailed below, serves as a representative example of the widespread issues affecting countless individuals.

    Contact Information:
    Phone: 16788918447
    Email: monec21@yahoo.com
    Location: 1505 Fieldgreen Overlook, Stone Mountain, GA 30088
    Date/Time of Incident: June 10, 2023, 16:20

    As a survivor of domestic violence and a grandmother raising three minor grandchildren, I've encountered a pattern of neglect, bias, and corruption within Dekalb County's law enforcement and child protective services.

    Systemic Issues:

    1. Failure to investigate reports of kidnapping, child endangerment, and stalking.
    2. Inadequate protection for domestic violence survivors and their children.
    3. Biased decision-making and retaliation against whistleblowers.
    4. Collusion between law enforcement and DFACS, perpetuating corruption.

    Example: My Case

    Despite reporting kidnapping, child abuse, and stalking, Dekalb County Police Department and DFACS failed to:

    1. Properly investigate (Police Report #2301291).
    2. Assist with the reported Fulton County Temporary Stalking/TPO (2023CV979368).
    3. Protect my grandchildren from further harm.


    - Cobb County Court documents
    - Fulton County Temporary Stalking/TPO
    - Police reports (2301291, 23-0622344, 2023009585)
    - Emails from Mary Koenig (Fulton Safe Families)
    - Centennial Academy reports

    Request for Action:

    I urge the DOJ to:

    1. Investigate systemic corruption within Dekalb and other County Police Department and DFACS.
    2. Address the failures to protect domestic violence survivors and their children.
    3. Implement policies ensuring impartial investigations and accountability.
    4. Provide training on recognizing and addressing biases.

    Joining Forces:

    I represent a collective voice of thousands impacted by similar systemic failures. I request:

    1. A comprehensive investigation into Dekalb and other County's law enforcement and child protective services.
    2. Collaboration with local advocacy groups and organizations.
    3. Protection for whistleblowers and victims reporting corruption.


    Lesley McKeithan

    To support my complaint, I’ve attached :

    1. Documentation of my case
    2. Testimonies from others experiencing similar issues
    3. Research on systemic corruption in Dekalb and other County
    4. Correspondence with local officials and organizations

    I’m Submitting this complaint to:

    U.S. Department of Justice
    Civil Rights Division
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20530

    The lack of attention addressed to my concerns has resulted in the devastation of an entire family.
    Malicious Prosecution, Slander, Loss of Income, Retaliation, Harassment, Threats, Loss of Business, Homelessness and , Endangerment.
    Most importantly, the devastating long term emotional distress that carries on with a Child who has been coerced and used as the key to hide misconduct of Professional Adults
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