Firings and full review of College Of Veterinarians Of Ontario

  • von: Greg Dowds
  • empfänger: Kathleen Wynne ( Premier of Ontario

There have been two crimes committed in the case of the St. Catharines Veterinarian. ( He doesn't deserve the respect to use his name especially to have to use the work doctor as part of it.) His license should have been revoked immediately and charges should have been brought against him by the College Of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO) which all the videos and statements were sent to first to investigate. He committed the first crime. The second crime was committed by the CVO for not doing there job. They investigated and decided that a 10 month suspension ( that can be reduced to 4 months ) was what Jan Robinson ( chief executive officer ) defended as saying he received serious punishment. If this is the CVO's version of serious punishment for a crime that was reported by numerous people and videos to back up their statements, then why does the CVO exist. The OSPC and the police are now doing the job that the CVO should have done in the beginning. He is being investigated for criminal charges and if charged could face up to 5 years in prison. If the OSPC and the police feel that there is enough evidence to investigate for criminal charges then the CVO did not do there job. His license should have been revoked immediately and they ( CVO ) should have pursued criminal charges, instead they let him keep his license and gave him a 10 month suspension that can be reduced to 4 months with him attending some courses. What a joke the CVO has turned out to be. Jan Robinson ( chief executive office ) of the CVO defended their decision and called it serious punishment. Calling on her firing and any other member of the CVO that thinks that they did there job properly and stands behind their decision. It's time to do a complete review of the CVO. It's bad enough when a crime like this is committed but it is a bigger crime when the CVO lets you away with it. If this is what the CVO is all about then it's time to close them down and save the money. Seems like the OSPC and the local police can do a better job than the CVO. Fire Jan Robinson immediately and then close down the CVO. They have proved that they are a total waste of money and there existence.

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